The Road of “Perhaps”
Thoughts on the journey, the process, and the decisions made along the way…

#smalltalks | Picked
When it comes to the mission of God, do we see people the way that God sees them?

#smalltalks | Live Love
We know the mission. We know the language. We just have to LIVE IT.

#smalltalks | Your Story & The Goodness of God
Where's the "Goodness of God" when your story doesn't go the way you thought?

The Importance of a Tribe
More and more, I've found myself understanding how crucial it is to be moving through life with a strong community of people.

"Acceptance doesn't mean resignation; it means understanding that something is what it is and that there's got to be a way through it."
- Michael J. Fox

Prince, the Internet & Faith
“The Internet’s completely over. I don’t see why I should give my new music to iTunes or anyone else. They won’t pay me an advance for it and then they get angry when they can’t get it. All these computers and digital gadgets are no good. They just fill your head with numbers and that can’t be good for you.”
- Prince (2010)

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need... roads."
- Doc Brown (Back To The Future)